
Daan stands for a world full of great jobs and believes in employer excellence. With their personal, open and honest approach, they ensure that the right people end up in the right places. Not only externally, but also internally. Not only now, but also in the future.
According to Daan, to understand the market, you have to be in the middle of it. Sometimes that means confessing color. doing what you are good at and acting honestly. Only then, according to Daan, does a relationship have substance and do you know where you stand.
Some positions require a VOG. Their MySolution system allows them to keep good track of which candidates have a VOG or for which one needs to be requested. This is where manual work begins, requiring logging into a web portal to actually apply for the VOG for the candidate, using information from their system.
VionA now does this for Daan's colleagues. Once a VOG is required according to the system, she retrieves the necessary information, makes the request in the portal, downloads a confirmation and puts it in the candidate record. Finally, she updates the status so that everything is neatly up-to-date.
Every month the financial department prepared individual bonus statements for the intermediaries. This was not only a labor-intensive job, because it had to be made and stored per person, but also very sensitive to privacy.
Ideal for a VionA robot then! It runs the required statements without errors and completely without judgment and sends them directly to the right recipient.