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How RPA Contributes to a Future-proof Labor Market

A recent McKinsey report reveals that the Netherlands is struggling with an aging population and labor market shortages, putting important goals at risk. One solution? Technological developments such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA). In this blog, find out how RPA creates a future-proof labor market through ongoing retraining and technological innovation.


Why your competition is growing faster with RPA

In today's technological world, efficient business operations are crucial. Companies that embrace technology, such as Robotic Process Automation (RPA), grow faster and better exploit their potential. RPA helps automate repetitive tasks, allowing businesses to maximize their growth and efficiency and gain a competitive advantage.


What is the difference between RPA and AI?

AI and RPA are common terms in the world of automation. In fact, both can be used to take over human tasks within an organization. Therefore, RPA is often seen as a form of AI, however, there are major differences between these technologies and when you want to apply them


AI Actions

Previous blogs have touched on the subject of AI as a tool that is good at analyzing information and generating insights. But what if AI could not only think, but also do? Our partner Robocorp has now introduced a first step in this with AI Actions.


Labor productivity crisis?

The Netherlands is in a labor productivity crisis. More people are working part-time than ever before, meanwhile millions of Dutch people are facing burnout. All this while companies are becoming more digital by the day, but are not automating enough. Someone who researches labor productivity, the causes of burnout and the lack of job happiness is Martijn Aslander. In this blog, we further explore the link between these issues and automation as a solution.


Automate with RAP grant

No, this is not a typo, we do mean RAP instead of RPA this time. There has been a tightness in the Dutch labor market for years, and many companies in almost every sector are dealing with it. Retaining employees has never been so important, after all, finding a replacement has never been so difficult either. Fortunately, the Rijnmond region is jumping to the rescue by establishing the "Rijnmonds labor market perspective fund" (RAP). That's quite a mouthful, but what it means and what it can do for you is explained in detail.


AI and RPA, a golden combination

As you have noticed without a doubt, AI is currently a hot topic of conversation. The lightning-fast development of this technology is already bearing fruit in many areas, and for us it offers many new possibilities. We recently applied AI for the first time in an RPA robot running in production and we are impressed by the level of accuracy that can already be achieved with it. The influence of AI will only increase, is the general tendency, so we are happy to share our views on this.


Findings about the back office

By now we have several parties as clients who provide back office services for staffing agencies, payroll organizations and intermediaries. We also have staffing organizations that have their own back office. Time to share our findings about this market and why automation with RPA is a good solution.


RPA as a solution to workforce shortage

RPA is a good alternative solution to the workforce shortage. Companies can make good use of this technology in addition to recruiting additional employees to reduce workload.


Why an RPA robot will make your job even more fun

Perhaps the most important reason to work with RPA robots within your organization, it makes your and your colleagues job even more fun! Want to know how? Read on here.


Automation in the staffing industry

RPA offers many opportunities in many industries to automate administrative processes in a cost-effective, efficient way. In this blog, we zoom in on the staffing industry, also known as the flex market.


RPA for accountants and administrators

For years, accountants, bookkeepers and administrators have run into the same issues when automating their processes. Existing software (at clients) is often outdated and the number of packages fragmented. RPA is an affordable, efficient solution.


How do you implement RPA in your organization?

You'd like to get started with RPA, but how do you go about it? As with any journey you go into, it starts with good preparation. This blog brings you tips & tricks to make RPA a success for your organization.